Whistleblowers OstendiHR
Develop an internal whistleblowing procedure with the help of our platform.

Why choose the Whistleblowers Module from OstendiHR?
By using our module, you can easily create a procedure for reporting irregularities by whistleblowers in your organization. Employees will be able to report issues both openly and anonymously. Managing reports will become simple and intuitive. The administrator will be able to assign reports to the appropriate individuals responsible for resolving them and set a priority for each report.

Automation and ease of managing reports
The process administrator has access to all reports. Selected individuals (the committee) will receive email notifications about new cases and status changes. The administrator can also assign the appropriate person to investigate a specific case and determine the priority level of each report.

Anonymous reports
A person who reports a specific issue has the option of signing his name to the report or reporting the issue anonymously.

Ability to check application status
Each reported case is given its own unique report number to track its status. This allows the person reporting the case to keep track of the actions and steps that have been taken on the report.

Quick implementation
The implementation of the OstendiHR module in an organization is very quick. All you need to do is appoint a process administrator and a committee to process the reports. Then inform employees about how to make reports in the OstendiHR system. Once this information has been provided and communication has been carried out within the company, the system is ready for use.
Contact us to learn more about the Whistleblowers Module!

Basic information about Whistleblowers
Who are the Whistleblowers?
A whistleblower is a person who reports a violation of the law concerning an organization. A whistleblower can be any person who may face retaliation after making a report.
How can a whistleblower report a violation of the law?
A whistleblower should be able to report an observed violation of the law to the appropriate unit within his own organization (internal reporting). He also has the option of reporting the matter to a public authority (external reporting).
What obligations will be imposed on employers in connection with the Law on Protection of Whistleblowers?
It will be the duty of every employer employing min. 50 people or more will be to develop an internal reporting procedure specifying the rules for receiving such reports and to create a channel for receiving them.
What kind of protection is a whistleblower entitled to?
A whistleblower will be entitled to redress or compensation. In addition, those who will be responsible for receiving reports will be required to keep the identity of the whistleblower confidential.
If you would like more information about our whistleblower protection module – feel free to contact us!
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