
Ostendi System’s Terms and Conditions

Information on the rules of use of the Ostendi System service

Terms of Service for the Ostendi System

These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”) set out the rules for the use of the “OstendiHR platform” including the type and scope of and conditions for the provision of services by electronic means, the conditions for the conclusion and termination of agreements for the provision of such services, as well as the complaint procedure. These Terms and Conditions are made available to the Service Recipient free of charge via www.ostendi.pl in a form that allows downloading, recording and printing of these Terms and Conditions.

§ 1. Definitions

The terms used have the following meanings:

  1. Subscription – a fee for using specific functionalities of the System (“Platform”) via an Individual Subdomain, at a rate determined by the Agreement, invoiced at monthly settlement periods;
  2. System Administrator – a person or persons designated by the Service Recipient authorized to use the System, based on a login and self-determined password, with maximum access rights to the Services;
  3. Service Recipient’s Email Address – the email address to which the Service Provider will send all information, notifications regarding the provision of the Service;
  4. Service Provider’s Email Address – address: support@ostendi.pl, to which the Service Recipient can direct questions regarding the Service and notifications;
  5. Activation – granting the Service Recipient access to the System by assigning and providing them with an individual access login to the Platform;
  6. Implementation Assistance – instructions for using the System provided by the Service Provider’s consultant via telephone or online, at a location indicated by the Service Provider or at the Service Recipient’s premises for the persons indicated by the Service Recipient;
  7. Price List – the price list for the provision of the Service, included in the Order;
  8. Business Day – means the Service Provider’s working day, i.e., Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding public holidays;
  9. Individual Subdomain – an internet address created by the Service Provider within the ostendi.app domain consisting of an individual name chosen by the Service Recipient, which will appear to the left of the domain name;
  10. Confidential Information – all information related to the provision of services obtained by the Parties, including financial conditions;
  11. Account – access channel to the System using an individual login and password for a natural person designated by the Service Recipient at a level of access determined by the Service Recipient;
  12. Activation Fee – a one-time fee for activating the System, conditioning the commencement of cooperation, in the amount specified in the Order;
  13. Implementation Assistance Fee – fee for providing Implementation Assistance at the amount specified in the Order, depending on the needs of the Service Recipient and the level of involvement of the Service Provider;
  14. Evaluated Person – a natural person subject to the employee appraisal process using the Periodic Employee Review System or subject to the competency diagnosis process using Ostendi Competencies Feedback, with permissions lower than those of the System Administrator;
  15. Evaluating Person – a natural person designating goals for the Evaluated Person and providing them with information about the level of achievement of these goals, with permissions lower than those of the System Administrator;
  16. Feedback Provider – a natural person providing information about the competencies exhibited by the Evaluated Person;
  17. Ostendi Competencies Feedback – a tool allowing the collection of information about the competencies exhibited by the Evaluated Person and the generation of a Report;
  18. Respondent Panel – access channel to the System using an individual login and self-determined password for Respondents designated by the Service Recipient, the amount of the Subscription depending on the number of persons having access to the Respondent Panel indicated by the Service Recipient;
  19. Additional Works – additional services provided by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient, exceeding the scope of works commissioned to the Service Provider described in the Order, which the Service Recipient has the right to commission to the Service Provider based on a separate Order.
  20. Report – automatically generated compilation presenting in graphical, numerical, and verbal form the results of competency diagnosis conducted using Ostendi Competencies Feedback;
  21. Respondent – Evaluated Person, Evaluating Person, or Feedback Provider;
  22. Periodic Employee Review System or System – software owned by the Service Provider, consisting of, among others, source codes, graphics, HTML files, databases, and other resources allowing the Service Recipient to independently conduct periodic employee assessments;
  23. SaaS (Software as a Service) – a model of user access to software operated by the provider via the Internet, which is not associated with the duplication of source code and the use of proprietary rights to the program;
  24. System Access Service – service provided in the SaaS model by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient, consisting of granting the Service Recipient access to the System through an Individual Subdomain;
  25. Ostendi Competencies Feedback Service – service provided in the SaaS model by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient, consisting of enabling the diagnosis of exhibited competencies via Internet links, provided together with the System Access Service;
  26. Periodic Employee Review System Service – service provided in the SaaS model by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient, consisting of granting the Service Recipient access to the System through an Individual Subdomain and enabling the Service Recipient to: (i) map the current organizational structure, (ii) create assessment rules for selected departments or groups of positions, (iii) define business, competency, and individual goals, (iv) appoint Evaluating Persons and Evaluated Persons, (v) indicate the period for submitting assessments, (vi) collect assessment results, (vii) prepare reports.
  27. Services – Access to the System Service, Ostendi Competencies Feedback Service, and Periodic Employee Assessment Service;
  28. Service Recipient – an entity that has placed an Order with the Service Provider;
  29. Service Provider – OSTENDI GLOBAL Limited Liability Company based in Warsaw, ul. Piękna 44, 00-672 Warsaw, registered in the National Court Register by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000806907, Tax Identification Number (NIP): 7010948454, REGON: 38453852600000,
  30. User – an individual to whom the Service Recipient has granted access rights to the System via an Account;
  31. Order – an agreement under which the Service Provider undertakes to provide the Service to the Service Recipient. These General Terms and Conditions of the Agreement constitute an integral part of the Order.

§ 2. Services

  1. The services consists of granting the Service Recipient access to the platform in accordance with the Order.
  2. The Service Provider will grant the Service Recipient access to the System through an Individual Subdomain at an agreed address within the ostendi.app domain. The Service Recipient independently decides on the start and end time of using the Services.
  3. The Service Provider will grant Respondents access to the System through the Respondent Panel at an agreed address within the ostendi.me domain.
  4. The level of permissions for Respondents will be determined by the System Administrator.

§ 3. Fees

  1. The Service Recipient will pay a Subscription Fee for the use of the Services, as specified in the Order.
  2. The provision of Services begins after the Activation Fee is paid, as specified in the Order.
  3. The fee for Implementation Assistance is collected in the calendar month in which the System is activated.
  4. The Service Recipient undertakes to pay the Subscription Fee for the entire duration of the Agreement, plus the applicable VAT tax on the date of issuing the invoice based on VAT invoices within 7 days from the receipt of the invoice.
  5. The amount of the Subscription Fee is specified in the Order.
  6. The Subscription Fee is payable to the Service Provider’s bank account, as indicated on the VAT invoice.
  7. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the Subscription Fee, provided that the Service Provider notifies the Service Recipient of the change at least 60 (sixty) days before the change takes effect.
  8. In the event of non-acceptance of the change in the Subscription Fee, the Service Recipient will be entitled to terminate the Order at the end of its term without observing the notice period.

§ 4. Rights and Obligations of the Service Provider

  1. The Service Provider is obligated to provide the Services in accordance with the Order.
  2. The Service Provider has the right to suspend the provision of the Service if the Service Recipient is in arrears with any payment for a period longer than 7 days.
  3. In the event of late payment, the Service Provider reserves the right to charge statutory interest on commercial transactions for overdue payments.
  4. The Service Provider will make every effort to ensure that maintenance activities that may affect the proper functioning of the System are carried out between 18:00 and 7:00. In the event of System unavailability due to reasons attributable to the Service Provider between 7:00 and 18:00, the Service Recipient is entitled to a proportional reduction in the Subscription Fee for the respective billing period for the time during which the Service was unavailable.

§ 5. Prawa i obowiązki Usługobiorcy

  1. Usługobiorca jest obowiązany do:
    1) przekazywania Usługodawcy informacji i danych potrzebnych dla realizacji Usług. Informacje będą przekazywane bez zbędnej zwłoki, o ile Strony nie ustalą inaczej w terminie nie dłuższym niż 24 godziny od momentu zgłoszenia żądania przez Usługodawcę. Usługodawca nie jest zobowiązany do weryfikacji uzyskanych od Usługobiorcy informacji i danych. Usługobiorca ponosi odpowiedzialność za merytoryczną zawartość przekazanych materiałów i informacji, za przekazanie nieprawdziwych lub niepełnych informacji i danych,
    2) w przypadku potrzeby zorganizowania spotkania, zorganizować spotkanie w terminie nie dłuższym niż 24 godziny do dnia zgłoszenia wniosku. Strony dopuszczają organizację spotkania w formie telekonferencji,
    3) wyznaczyć i wskazać członków zespołu, którzy będą odpowiedzialni za współpracę z Usługodawcą oraz zapewnić ich dostępność w stopniu wystarczającym do realizacji Usług,
    4) członkowie zespołu biorący udział w pracach projektowych będą umocowani do podejmowania decyzji w zakresie omawianych tematów,
    5) terminowo przeprowadzać odbiory i realizować płatności,
    6) przygotować warunki techniczne do realizacji Usług, w tym zapewnić infrastrukturę sprzętową i systemową niezbędną do instalacji i działania programu.
  2. Usługobiorca nie ma prawa udostępniać loginu i hasła dostępu do Systemu innym osobom niż te, które zostały wskazane Usługodawcy. Usługobiorca zwolni Usługodawcę z odpowiedzialności za wszelkie nieprawidłowości oraz szkody powstałe w wyniku udostępnienia loginu i hasła dostępu do Systemu osobom nieuprawnionym.
  3. Usługobiorca ponosi pełną odpowiedzialność za wszelkie działania osób mających dostęp do Systemu za pośrednictwem Konta jak za działania własne, w tym za szkody rzeczywiste wyrządzone Usługodawcy oraz jakiejkolwiek innej osobie na skutek tych działań.
  4. Usługobiorca nie jest uprawniony do odtwarzania („reverse engineering”), dekompilacji poza przypadkami przewidzianymi wyraźnie powszechnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawa. Wszelkie zmiany kodu bądź zasobów stałych („resources”) Systemu są zabronione.
  5. Za niewykonanie lub nienależyte wykonanie przez Usługodawcę postanowień Umowy Usługobiorcy przysługuje uprawnienie do żądania odszkodowania do wysokości szkody rzeczywistej. Uprawnienie to nie obejmuje utraconych korzyści. Usługodawca nie jest odpowiedzialny w żadnym przypadku, w jakimkolwiek czasie, za jakąkolwiek pośrednią lub wynikłą stratę lub zniszczenie, powstałe z jakiejkolwiek przyczyny związanej z Usługą, odniesione przez Usługobiorcę lub jakąkolwiek inną osobę fizyczną, osobę prawną lub jednostkę organizacyjną z nim powiązaną jakimkolwiek tytułem prawnym. Odpowiedzialność Usługodawcy jest ograniczona do wysokości Abonamentu należnego za cały okres obowiązywania Zamówienia.
  6. Wszelkie uwagi w sprawach funkcjonowania Systemu Usługobiorca powinien przekazywać na Adres e-mail Usługodawcy.

§ 6. Additional Work

  1. The Service Recipient has the right to commission the Service Provider to perform Additional Work. The basis for commencing the implementation of Additional Work is an agreed-upon document for Additional Work orders signed by the Parties.
  2. Unless otherwise specified in the Additional Work order, the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of the Agreement shall apply to the execution of Additional Work accordingly.
  3. The Service Recipient is entitled to a net remuneration for the execution of Additional Work, the amount of which will be specified in the Additional Work order.

§ 7. Confidentiality

  1. Each Party undertakes to keep confidential the content of the Order, these General Terms and Conditions of the Agreement, and any information obtained in connection with the execution of the Order, including information concerning the other Party and its activities, particularly constituting trade secrets of the other Party within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of April 16, 1993, on combating unfair competition (“Confidential Information”), and in particular: a. not to use them for its own purposes or for the benefit of third parties, b. not to disclose them to third parties, c. not to transfer them to third parties.
  2. Except as described in paragraph 3 below, the use, disclosure, or transfer of Confidential Information by the Parties requires the prior written consent of the other Party.
  3. The obligation to maintain the confidentiality of Confidential Information is not breached by the appropriate use, disclosure, or transfer of Confidential Information by the parties: a. for justified purposes related to the Order – to professional advisors of the Parties, particularly legal advisors, tax advisors, financial and accounting advisors, or auditors, or b. to the extent required by applicable laws, particularly at the request of public authorities, or c. to the extent necessary for the proper execution of the Order, or d. information that was publicly available at the time of concluding the Order or became publicly available after the conclusion of the Order in a manner other than as a result of disclosure by the Parties in violation of the Order and General Terms and Conditions of the Agreement.
  4. The Service Recipient undertakes to take appropriate steps to ensure that access to the above information is restricted to individuals who have provided relevant written confidentiality statements.
  5. The obligation to maintain the confidentiality of Confidential Information applies both during the term of the Order and for a period of 5 years after its termination.

§ 8. Technical Requirements

  1. Proper use of the System Access Service requires: a. Connection to the Internet; b. Installation of the latest version of an internet browser capable of displaying hypertext documents (HTML) on a computer or mobile device; c. Enabled support for cookies and JavaScript files.
  2. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the inability to use the System Access Service due to Internet network unavailability, incorrect technical condition, or improper configuration of the Service Recipient’s hardware used to access the System Access Service.
  3. The Service Provider undertakes to rectify any malfunctions that may affect the proper functioning of the System within 2 business days from the Service Recipient’s report of the malfunction sent to: techsupport@ostendihr.com.
  4. The response time for reported system issues is 2 hours during the defined service hours – from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00.
  5. The service is available with an SLA level of 99.8% calculated on an annual scale.
  6. Backup copies are made once every 24 hours in two separate server locations and stored for 14 calendar days.
  7. Data can be recovered at the level of individual assessments, surveys, and projects.
  8. The password policy for logging into both the Administrative panel and the Employee panel will comply with the Service Recipient’s current policy.

§ 9. Personal Data

  1. Granting access to the System requires the Service Provider to obtain the following personal data of Users from the Service Recipient: first and last name, work email address, job position, work phone number. This data will be processed solely for the purpose of providing access to the System and maintaining business contacts with the Users.
  2. As a Data Controller, the Service Recipient will entrust the Service Provider, based on a separate agreement appended as Annex No. 2 to the Order, with the personal data of Assessed Persons and Assessors for processing.

§ 10. Validity of the Agreement

  1. The Order is concluded for an agreed period from the date of its signing by both Parties. After this period, unless terminated on the terms specified below, the Order shall be transformed into an agreement for an identical period thereafter, subject to § 3 clause 8.
  2. The Order may be terminated by either Party through its unilateral termination at the end of the calendar month with a three-month notice period.
  3. In the event of termination of the Agreement before the agreed period, the Service Recipient undertakes to pay the Subscription fee, reduced by the amount of the Subscription fee paid up to the termination of the Agreement.
  4. The Order may be terminated for cause by either Party through its unilateral termination with immediate effect. Grounds justifying the termination of the Order by the Service Recipient include the failure to provide the Service for a period exceeding 7 days solely due to the fault of the Service Provider, despite the Service Recipient’s written demand to the Service Provider and the Service Provider’s setting a 30-day deadline for restoring the state in accordance with the Order.
  5. Grounds justifying the termination of the Order by the Service Provider include: • Breach of the Order and General Terms of the Agreement by the Service Recipient, provided that such breach is not remedied within 30 (thirty) days of receiving a written demand from the Service Provider, • Failure to pay any amounts due to the Service Provider under the Order, • Lack of cooperation with the Service Provider in the provision of the Service, • Determination that the Service Recipient is subject to national or international sanctions limiting or prohibiting cooperation with the Service Recipient, • Commencement of bankruptcy, restructuring, arrangement proceedings against the Service Recipient, as well as the Service Recipient’s declaration of bankruptcy, • Issuance of a judgment, payment order, or other enforcement title against the Service Recipient establishing a claim against the Service Recipient or commencement of enforcement proceedings against the Service Recipient.
  6. In the event of withdrawal from the Order by the Service Provider, all liabilities towards the Service Recipient become due and payable on the date of withdrawal from the Order.
  7. In the case described in clause 5, the Service Provider is entitled to refrain from providing services to the Service Recipient. Such abstention shall not be considered as non-performance of the Order within the meaning of clause 4.
  8. The Order may be terminated at any time with immediate effect by written agreement of the Parties.
  9. In the event of expiry or termination of the agreement for any reason, the Service Recipient shall lose access to the System.
  10. In the event described above, all data accumulated by the Service Recipient in the System shall be permanently deleted (forgotten) within 30 days from the expiry or termination of the Order.
  11. The data mentioned above may be independently downloaded by the Service Recipient in .XLS and .PDF formats before being deleted from the System.
  12. The reading of data mentioned in the above points is not time-limited.
  13. Neither Party shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of obligations due to force majeure. The Parties undertake to notify each other of the occurrence of force majeure affecting the provision of services, and in the event of its occurrence, they will meet to make appropriate arrangements (if possible). Notifications, as mentioned above, if possible, shall be made in writing, promptly after the occurrence of force majeure.

§ 11. Security Measures and Contractual Penalties

  1. The Service Recipient shall pay the Service Provider a contractual penalty in the following cases:
  • Termination of the Order by the Service Recipient with observance of the notice period,
  • Termination of the Order by the Service Provider due to the fault of the Service Recipient,
  • Failure to cooperate with the Service Provider in the provision of services, regardless of whether the Service Provider exercises the right to terminate the Order. The contractual penalty shall be payable to the Service Provider in the amount of half of the Subscription fee.
  1. In the event of a determination that the Service Recipient is subject to national or international sanctions limiting or prohibiting cooperation with the Service Recipient, the Service Recipient shall pay the Service Provider a contractual penalty in the amount of 1 million USD.
  2. Contractual penalties shall be payable based on a written demand for payment sent by registered mail to the Service Recipient’s address, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the letter, and in case of non-delivery, within 14 days from the second notice.

§ 12. Final Provisions

  1. Any changes and additions to the Order or General Terms of Agreement shall require written form in the form of an annex for their validity, under penalty of nullity.
  2. Each Party may change its designated representative, contact details, email addresses for sending electronic invoices by informing the other Party in documentary form. Such change does not constitute a change to the Order and becomes effective upon notification to the other Party of the change. Also, no changes are required for the increase in Subscription fees under the conditions described in § 3 (7) of the General Terms of Agreement.
  3. Each Party undertakes to promptly notify the other Party in writing of any change in its address. Failure to provide such notification shall result in all correspondence directed to the previous address of the Party being deemed effectively delivered.
  4. The Order is subject to Polish law. Matters not regulated by this Order shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code.
  5. In the event that any provision of this Order or General Terms of Agreement is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in force, and the most similar provisions of the generally applicable law shall apply in place of the invalid provision.
  6. All Appendices to the Order constitute its integral part.
  7. The Parties declare that this agreement is concluded for the purpose of conducting business activities and has a professional character for them.
  8. The Service Recipient declares that: a. they are not on the list of individuals and entities subject to sanctions as referred to in Article 2 of the Act of April 13, 2022, on special solutions regarding countering support for aggression against Ukraine and serving the protection of national security, b. they are not listed in the Register of natural and legal persons, entities, and bodies referred to in Article 2 (1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 of May 18, 2006, concerning restrictive measures in connection with the situation in Belarus and Belarus’s involvement in Russian aggression against Ukraine, and in Article 2 of Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 of March 17, 2014, concerning restrictive measures in relation to actions undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine, or threatening them, c. their activities are not subject to the bans referred to in Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 of July 31, 2014, concerning restrictive measures in connection with actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine by Russia, d. they are not on any other sanctions list applicable to Poland nor are subject to bans on cooperation in Poland, the European Union, or the United States of America, e. they will promptly inform the Service Provider of any changes in the circumstances mentioned above.
  9. The Service Recipient declares that as of the date of signing the Order, no bankruptcy, restructuring, or liquidation proceedings are being conducted against their assets (personal, marital, enterprise, or agricultural) and that the current financial liquidity guarantees timely payment of monetary obligations to the Service Provider. The Service Recipient undertakes to promptly inform the Service Provider of any changes to the above circumstances.
  10. Matters not regulated in this Agreement shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.
  11. The Parties agree that in the event of disputes arising from the performance of the provisions of this Agreement, they will cooperate to resolve them amicably. In the event of no settlement, the Parties shall submit disputes arising in connection with the performance of this agreement to the jurisdiction of the court competent for the Service Provider’s registered office.
  12. The Service Recipient may not transfer rights or obligations from the Order to third parties without the Service Provider’s consent, expressed in writing, under penalty of nullity.