Forecasts indicate that within the next year 42% of key competencies will change. It’s mean that every second worker will need to undergo a requalification process. This process becomes even more significant from the perspective of 2030, when over a billion workers worldwide will have to learn new ways of performing their work. Therefore, it’s already time to recognize and develop the competencies of the future.

To anticipate upcoming changes in the job market and the competencies that will be desired in the near future, it’s worth first looking at current trends. AI, flexibility and ease in acquiring knowledge, the need for a strong leader, and what else will condition future competencies?

New Technologies and Job Positions

The most significant market trend is the rapid development of artificial intelligence. It affects daily work and creates a demand for specific digital skills of employees. Modern technology can replace low-level workers, but it enhances the importance of experts and high-level employees, specialized in a specific field. This also opens new opportunities, leading to the creation of previously non-existent positions related to tools like Chat GPT.

Development Above All

Due to rapid changes and the need to update knowledge and competencies. Development is one of the key current trends. Investing in training, courses and coaching sessions has become the foundation that companies offer their employees. Upskilling and reskilling, i.e., enhancing the qualifications of employees and expanding them with new topics, arise from the need for flexibility from employees and ease of entering a new role in the company’s structures according to the organization’s current demand.

Leader, Not Just a Boss

Another growing trend is the transformation of a manager into a leader. Team managers are now required to be true leaders. It’s crucial to seek individual development paths for employees. It’s also important to create a personalized approach for each person employed in the company, and to build a strong team based on the competencies of all employees. Education and development towards leadership are necessary to manage the team wisely and generate the best possible work outcomes.

Feedback and Implementing Changes

Regular employee feedback and evaluation of their work are becoming more common practices in organizations. The ability to efficiently analyze work from the superiors’ side, and the easy implementation of discussed changes from the employed person, are becoming very important. The goal of periodic employee evaluations and subsequent evaluative discussions is to quickly identify what works and what doesn’t and to immediately react, leading to system unblocking. All this in the name of better efficiency and job satisfaction.

New Forms of Work

The emergence of new forms of work – hybrid, remote, with flexible hours, and an increasing number of freelance collaborations – cannot be overlooked. This change was triggered by the pandemic but is also dictated by a more flexible approach to work from employees. Another factor was a strong sense of the need for Work-Life Balance in the performance of the entering Generation Z.

Looking to the Future – 7 Future Competencies

How do all these phenomena and directions in which the job market is developing affect the needs regarding employees’ competencies? Here are 7 skills that, in our opinion, will lead the way in the future:

These competencies will form the foundation for success in the changing world of work. The world where technology, adaptation, and soft skills intersect, creating a new dimension of professional efficiency.